Thin Client Solutions
Thin client technology is an exciting new network computing methodology. Using
thin client technology, a user can go to any workstation on the network, or even be off
site entirely, and when they log in, they have the exact same desktop every time.
Users love it because they have their applications handy no matter where they log in,
and administrators love it because they can centrally manage the entire operation.
There is no need to go from desktop to desktop reloading operating systems or
installing software. All of the intelligence is in the servers, and the desktop is
just an access point. Management loves it because it reduces the overall cost of IT
ownership and maintenance.
Using Windows Terminal Server we can design and implement a
thin client solution right for your company and provide all of the necessary servers and workstations. Imagine being able to securely
access all of your data and applications from anywhere in the world, on virtually any PC
with a browser hooked up to the internet. It's the right solution for today's
information hungry business environment.