Local & Long Distance Service that saves you money.
There aren't many instances where a business can realize immediate savings at no, or very low cost. However, in today's ultra-competitive local and long-distance phone service market, you can do exactly that. The numerous carries are fighting for business and that means monthly savings for you, and often means the waiving of switch-over and connection fees.
Venmar Systems is an agent for several different local and long-distance providers. We can analyze your phone bills and come up with the right solution for your company. In one case, we were able to save a client over one thousand dollars per month on their local and long-distance bills! Among the services we can provide are:
- Local trunks
- Long Distance Service
- Toll-Free Numbers
- Dedicated Long-Distance
- Calling Cards
We can also combine internet access and local service to save you even more money while giving you a faster connection to the internet than you may already have.
Give us a call and let us find the right solution for you.